Kampala Impact Day Milestones

Kampala Impact Day has evolved through two successful iterations, each marked by unique themes that reflect the event's commitment to fostering positive change. In its inaugural edition, the focus was on "Showcasing and Celebrating the Transformative Power of Social Businesses." This theme underscored the pivotal role of social enterprises in driving meaningful change and provided a platform for highlighting their successes.

Building on this momentum, the second Kampala Impact Day took on the theme of "Exploring Opportunities for Collaboration Toward Building Sustainable Impact." This shift emphasized the importance of collaboration in creating lasting and meaningful change. Participants engaged in discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities aimed at identifying synergies and forging partnerships to address pressing social and environmental challenges

Kampala Impact Day 2021


Date: 31st March 2021

The event was driven by the aspiration to uplift impact-based businesses supported by Einstein Rising and OVO, which have been actively assisting communities affected by the challenges of COVID-19. These enterprises encountered significant obstacles during the pandemic, impeding their ability to effectively contribute to the communities they serve. Our primary objective was to aid in their resurgence and growth.

We carefully curated 40 of these resilient enterprises to showcase their products and work in front of a receptive audience comprised of proactive entrepreneurial ecosystem supporters. 

Kampala Impact Day 2022

Date: 30th November 2022

The event aimed to promote the triple bottom line vision of profit and bring to the front the importance of financing and partnerships for sustainable impact for social businesses moving forward. The event explored a future of further collaboration, where projects would be co-created with different actors coming together, driven by the shared desire to implement impactful, scalable, and financially sustainable endeavours.

 We sought to bring together social business development hubs, education institutions, NGOs, government initiatives, incubators, and accelerators to discuss, co-create, showcase, share experiences, and promote profit-based sustainable impact.


Kampala Impact Day 2023

In its third and eagerly awaited iteration, Kampala Impact Day is set to explore the theme of "Scaling Climate Action Through Impact Investing and Blended Finance." This strategic shift in focus underscores the event's commitment to addressing one of the most pressing global challenges – climate change. The theme reflects a forward-looking approach that recognizes the pivotal role of financial mechanisms, such as impact investing and blended finance, in driving scalable solutions for climate action..

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