Ambassador of Belgium to Uganda H.E Rudi Veestraeten shared a speech

 Ambassador of Belgium to Uganda H.E Rudi Veestraeten shared a speech

Gracing the 2nd edition of the Kamapala Impact Day as the the Guest of Honour, the Ambassador of Belgium to Uganda H.E Rudi Veestraeten shared a speech.
It is my pleasure to be here today, at the opening ceremony of the second edition of Kampala Impact Day, organized by (OVO) and Einstein Rising. I participated in last year’s event and have a strong and pleasant memory of it. I love the name of the event – Kampala Impact Day. KID. No kidding.

Kampala Impact Day aims to strengthen the Ugandan private sector, and OVO has brought a group of
experienced Belgian entrepreneurs to offer their insights and lessons learned to their Ugandan partners
through coaching and advising in a pragmatic manner.
This year, an academic exchange has been added for students in entrepreneurship, with some of the
Belgian students present at the event in Uganda for the first time. I am a huge fan of such exchanges,
and I was impressed by the motivation and dedication of the students I had the opportunity to engage
with on Monday. I also commend the professors who accompany them and lead the academic part of
their visit to Uganda.
The event offers an avenue for cooperation, creativity, and partnership, with the aim of maximizing
impact. Let us work towards achieving a more prosperous future for both Ugandan businesses and the
people, both women and men, who will benefit from it. Let us indeed call this a Kampala Impact Day.

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